Understanding Unbelief: Affiliated Projects
Understanding Unbelief created a studentship at the University of Kent and provided £1M of grant funding to researchers around the world studying atheism, agnosticism and other forms of ‘non-believing’. Funding opportunities were available to both established and early career researchers and continues to support a growing list of publications.
PhD project
Lived Non-Belief: Non-Religion, Religion, and Relationality in Older Adults’ Worldviews and Identities
Joanna Malone
Grant funded research
Life Stories of the Unbeliever: Existential Narratives of Living and Dying, Newman University
Katie AstonUnderstanding Unbelief Among Culturally Muslim People in Sweden, Uppsala University
Ann af BurénOrigin and Maintenance of Unbelief in a Believing World, University of Otago
Jamin Halberstadt, Jesse Bering, Victoria K. Alogna, Jonathan Jong, Evan Balkcom & Samantha SmithReaching for a New Sense of Connection? Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Sociality of Generation Y Non-believers in Northern and Central Europe, Kingston University London
David Herbert & Josh BullockMapping the Psychology of Unbelief Across Contexts and Cultures, Coventry University
Jonathan Jong & Robert RossMagical Thinking in Contexts and Situations of Unbelief, The Open University
Theodoros Kyriakides & Richard IrvineUncovering the Hidden Nature of Unbelief, University of Helsinki
Marjaana Lindeman, Uffe Schjoedt, Michiel van Elk & Pinja MarinMinority Millennials and the Rise of “Religious Nones”: A Comparative Analysis, Norfolk State University
Aprilfaye Manalang
Learn more about this projectMeaning Making Narratives Among Non-Religious Individuals Facing the End of Life, Sacred Heart University
Christel ManningExploring the Belief Replacement Hypothesis: What Secular Beliefs Do Non-believers Have, and What Psychological Functions Do They Serve? Coventry University
Valerie van MulukomUnderstanding Unbelief in Egypt, Radboud University
Karin van Nieuwkerk
Learn more about this projectUnderstanding Unbelief in Japan
Yutaka OsakabeKernels of Doubt: A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Ubiquity and Form of Religious (Non)Commitment, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Benjamin Grant Purzycki
Learn more about this projectMindfulness Meditation: A Secular Religion for Unbelievers? Coventry University
Masoumeh (Sara) Rahmani, Miguel Farias & Valerie van MulukomUnderstanding Unbelief in Estonia, University of Tartu
Atko-Sulhan RemmelJewish Unbelief in Contemporary Britain, Birkbeck College, University of London
Ruth SheldonUnderstanding Unbelief in Secular Social Action: Doing Whose Work? University of Ottawa
Timothy Stacey & Lori BeamanThe Amoral Atheist? A Cross-cultural Examination of Cognitive, Motivational, and Cultural Contributions to Unbelief and Moral Considerations, University of Illinois at Chicago
Tomas Ståhl & Linda J. SkitkaNonreligious Childhood: Growing Up Unbelieving in Contemporary Britain, University of York
Anna Strhan & Rachael Shillitoe
Learn more about this projectUnholy Catholic Ireland – Unbelief, Morality and the Rejection of the Church, Queen’s University, Belfast
Hugh Turpin