This September we’re partnering with Conway Hall in London to present a series of events on Britain in the first ‘atheist age’. Check back soon for full listings and booking information.

Between Beliefs: Film Screening and Q&A

Sunday 15 September

Conway Hall 25 Red Lion Sq, London WC1R 4RL

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What might dialogue, pluralism and mutual understanding look like as we enter the UK’s first ‘atheist age’ and traverse this uncharted territory? Join us in conversation with the filmmakers and researchers from the landmark Explaining Atheism programme whose work inspired these films to explore the UK’s changing landscape of belief. Screenings include:

Between Beliefs (Briony Campbell and Banyak films) captures conversations between British theists and atheists, offering intimate insights into the diverse values that exist within the growing population of atheists, agnostics and other types of unbelievers and exploring the possibility of understanding across a divide – believer/unbeliever – that has defined how we think about our worldview landscape for centuries.

Big Questions with Little People (Briony Campbell and Speakit) explores belief and non-belief in magic and Gods through the eyes of children – the most atheistic generation in the UK today.

And a short film about how the Explaining Atheism programme is collaborating with artists, educators and content makers to bring findings from our research into a range of national and international creative and educational spaces

Image: Briony Campbell, “Big Questions with Little People” 2024

Explaining Atheism: What does its first ‘atheist age’ mean for the UK?

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Conway Hall 25 Red Lion Sq, London WC1R 4RL

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The UK is entering its first atheist age. Whilst atheism has been prominent in our culture for some time – be it through Karl Marx, George Eliot, or Ricky Gervais – it is only now that atheists have begun to outnumber theists for the first time in our history. As the UK welcomes a new atheist Prime Minister, only a year after its new King came to throne as ‘Defender of Faiths’, join us for a panel discussion exploring what it means to live in an ‘atheist society’.

Bringing together leaders from politics, education and media, this event presents major new findings from the Explaining Atheism research programme which is examining the causes of atheism around the world. This landmark research is helping us understand our new atheist-majority worldview land-scape, and explores whether and how pluralism in political and civic life can keep pace with this new and changing environment.

Image: Aubrey Wade, “Unbelievers” 2019