The Atheist Age?
what does its first ‘atheist age’ mean for the UK?
Research suggests that few of the stereotypes- both positive and negative- that surround questions about what it means to live without God are true.
In the UK there are now more people who say they are non-religious than ever before. Have we become an atheist society? And what might this mean?
To explore this question Explaining Atheism researchers Lois Lee from the University of Kent and Aiyana Willard from Brunel University London present some interim findings from our international research examining the causes of atheism and are joined in a fascinating panel discussion by Chine McDonald, Director of Theos, writer and broadcaster; comedian, actor and podcaster Cariad Lloyd; Daisy Scalchi, head of Religion and Ethics BBC television, and Will Gervais, reader in Psychology at Brunel University London.
Film at Conway Hall, London October 2024